Post by gerald on Aug 27, 2018 22:22:31 GMT -5
This is a bit concerning. The increasing prevalence may simply be that they are now testing for the additional disease. Before it was "all in our heads" now that they recognise the new disease they test for it. It is probably worth each of us considering the symptoms and seeing if we need to followup with new testing ----------------------------- Bronchiectasis Prevalence on the Rise in COPD A high prevalence of bronchiectasis has been reported in individuals in the United States, with approximately half of all newly diagnosed patients having dual chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), according to the results of an analysis published in CHEST. With non-cystic fibrosis (CF) bronchiectasis becoming an increasingly more common chronic inflammatory airway disease, investigators sought to understand the epidemiology of the disorder in older adults by describing the prevalence and features of patients with the condition within the US Medicare population. Of the 40% of Medicare enrollees with prescription drug plans between 2006 and 2014, patients with bronchiectasis ≥65 years of age, per International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (claims 494.0 or 494.1) by a pulmonologist and having no claim for CF, were identified. The prevalence of bronchiectasis was calculated from 2012 to 2014. Incident or "newly diagnosed" patients were defined as those who were enrolled in Medicare for ≥12 months before their initial bronchiectasis diagnosis. Clinical and healthcare use features of this cohort during the prior 12-month baseline period were described, and differences between those with and without concomitant COPD were examined. A total of 252,362 patients with bronchiectasis met the study eligibility criteria. The average annual prevalence of the disease from 2012 to 2014 was 701 cases per 100,000 individuals. Patients with newly diagnosed disease were a mean age of 76 years, with 65% being women and 84% being non-Hispanic white. Overall, 12% of patients had been hospitalized for respiratory infections, and 51% had a dual diagnosis of COPD. Patients with newly diagnosed bronchiectasis and comorbid COPD exhibited significantly different disease characteristics and healthcare use. Those individuals with a dual diagnosis were more likely than those with only bronchiectasis to be hospitalized for a respiratory infection ( % vs 7%, respectively), and to have a history of smoking (46% vs 17%, respectively). The investigators concluded that the significant heterogeneity observed in patients with bronchiectasis with and without concomitant COPD warrants further exploration. On the basis of these findings, bronchiectasis should no longer be considered an "orphan" disease in the United States, and the burden of disease reported in the aging population merits additional attention. www.pulmonologyadvisor.com/copd/bronchiectasis-prevalence-increasing-in-chronic-obstructive-pulmonary-disease/article/791006/Bronchiectasis.Signs and symptoms Some people with bronchiectasis may have a cough productive of frequent green/yellow mucus (sputum), up to 240 ml (8 oz) daily. Bronchiectasis may also present with coughing up blood (hemoptysis) in the absence of sputum, called "dry bronchiectasis". Sputum production may also occur without coloration. People with bronchiectasis may have bad breath indicative of active infection. Frequent bronchial infections and breathlessness are two possible indicators of bronchiectasis.[5] Crepitations and expiratory rhonchi may be heard on auscultation. Nail clubbing is rare.[ ] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronchiectasis