Post by larrynz on May 28, 2007 19:18:19 GMT -5
Many years ago my doctor urged me to change to light cigarettes, not as bad he said, I went along with the idea because it was the easy thing to do. The reality is they are worse, because you inhale deeper to get that nicotine. The item below was in our paper today.
So-called "light" cigarettes may damage a smoker's blood vessels as much as regular cigarettes do, a small study shows.
Researchers in Turkey found that among healthy young adults, those who smoked showed signs of poorer blood flow to the heart - and it didn't matter if their cigarette of choice was light or regular.
Critics have long charged that cigarettes branded as "light" or "low-tar" dupe the public into thinking they carry fewer health risks, even though studies have shown light cigarettes to be as deadly as regulars.
Light cigarettes are designated as such because they deliver less nicotine and lower levels of toxic chemicals when the smoke is measured by a machine. In real life, however, studies show that smokers inhale comparable amounts of nicotine and tobacco chemicals regardless of the brand.