Post by Blossom/Jackie W. on Jul 15, 2007 16:15:13 GMT -5
Sometimes if I've had an "active" night (or early morning) in the "dream" department I sometimes wake myself with my breathing (whezing). Does anyone else experience this?
Post by morningstar on Jul 17, 2007 19:12:49 GMT -5
Yes , Jackie I have a lot of trouble with that even with my Vpap as the doctor told me. I am a mouth breather and when I am stressed out or uptight about something I tend to hold my breathe also both which dries me out and I wheeze and wake with a frights.
I have tried all the sprays and orinements they use all do a little none do a lot.
Post by cocojax on Jul 17, 2007 19:30:08 GMT -5
I wake up wheezing sometimes, I find if we have the air conditioning on it is not so bad. I am also flushing out my sinuses as I only could only breathe through my left nostril most of the time. So I bought Saline solution from the drugstore and a baby bulb syringe. I fill the bulb with the solution and gently squirt it up my left nostril so that it goes through your nasal passage and comes out the right nostril. Since I have been doing this once a day I now can breathe through both nostrils, makes it a heck of a lot easier to do the pursed lip breathing. I find also I am not so wheezy in the morning, cause I breathe my nose when I sleep.
Post by Blossom/Jackie W. on Jul 17, 2007 19:47:15 GMT -5
I generally "snort" water in the shower every morning (I have a sinus problem) and yeahp I use the saline in the winter too Ellen.
I'm not sure if it's the dreams that start the breathing problem or the breathing problem that starts the cascade of drems.
Post by LindaNY on Jul 17, 2007 20:07:10 GMT -5
There are mornings where I wake up SOB and wheezing. I rarely remember dreams so I don't blame them. Most of the time, I find it was from mouth breathing because my sinus have stuffed up. Maybe I'll get myself a chin strap. ;D
Post by cocojax on Jul 17, 2007 21:03:23 GMT -5
I generally "snort" water in the shower every morning (I have a sinus problem) and yeahp I use the saline in the winter too Ellen. I'm not sure if it's the dreams that start the breathing problem or the breathing problem that starts the cascade of drems. I posted before about Dr. Oz on Oprah's show, www2.oprah.com/health/oz/oz_20070426_350_106.jhtmlthis actually washes your sinuses out, I found this way better than the spray, I am not sure if it is the dreams, I just know from rehab that if you breathe through your nose you filter out a lot dust, so they always stressed to us to breathe through your nose.
Post by larrynz on Jul 17, 2007 21:10:17 GMT -5
I did have trouble waking up SOB during the night, more or less beat that by taking my main medicine (symbicort) just before going to bed.
Post by Blossom/Jackie W. on Jul 18, 2007 20:24:28 GMT -5
I hear you Larry; I too take it not long before bed; makes a considerable difference . This just seems different than that type scenario and seems the worst if I've been doing a LOT of dreaming. I suspect that it's sort of an unsettled mind etc; mainfests in ...sleep anxiety who knows ..........it's bound to effect the breathing.
Post by cocojax on Jul 18, 2007 20:31:21 GMT -5
Jackie I have been drinking Sleepy Time Tea, with a bit of honey before I go to bed, I seem to sleep better.
Post by cheryl on Jul 18, 2007 21:52:38 GMT -5
Ellen, What is Sleepy Time Tea? I've not heard of that one.
Post by LindaNY on Jul 18, 2007 22:21:44 GMT -5
Post by cheryl on Jul 19, 2007 9:34:41 GMT -5
Thank you for the link Linda. Another question -- Does it actually help you to fall asleep? I've never been partial to flavoured teas. Give me my Red Rose, but if there is something in it that actually does help, I'd be willing to give it a try.
Post by cocojax on Jul 19, 2007 10:28:21 GMT -5
Helps me Cheryl, I put a little honey in it. I used to drink Red Rose and then when I had to go on caffeine free The tetley seemed more like tea than the Red Rose, I do buy caffeine free and started drinking it in the afternoon and evening to see if that helped with my sleeping, but the Sleepy Time seems to do the trick. ( by the way Cheryl I collected all those figurines from Red Rose, I gave them to my ex when we separated and now I find some of them are pretty valuable )
Post by cheryl on Jul 19, 2007 10:51:04 GMT -5
Ellen, They dont' put those in the boxes of Red Rose anymore. Unfortunately I used to prefer the Tetley, so missed out on all the figurines. Thanks for the info on the Sleepy Time -- I think I'll pick up a box and give it a try. Won't know till I try it.